Many non-migraine headache sufferers think that migraine symptoms are all about headaches, but they’re wrong. Signs of a migraine attack include nausea, depression and anxiety, in addition to mild hallucinations and neuralgia. Since chronic migraines differ between patients, migraine remedies also vary between over-the-counter Excedrin for migraines, prescribed migraine relief, and natural headache remedies.
How many migraine triggers are there?
Scientists have named over 100 possible migraine causes (triggers), including those pertaining to food, scents, the weather, hormones, and stress. The best way to determine the culprit behind your migraine headaches is by keeping a migraine diary, and sharing it with a neurologist or other headache expert.
7 Headache Symptoms you definitely shouldn’t ignore
Here are some helpful clues that indicate a migraine attack:
- Throbbing head pain, usually limited to one side of the head, but not always
- Pain in the back of the head
- Intense shooting pain behind one eye socket
- Teary eyes, head congestion- similar to sinus headaches
- Stiff aching neck pain
- Depression or anxiety symptoms
- Fatigue, tiredness
- Excitability, euphoria, or hyperactivity
- Agitation, or nervousness
- Dizziness, need to faint
- Frequent need to urinate
Poor sleep, tendency to wake up feeling sluggish instead of refreshed
- Frequent yawning
- Unusual cravings for sweet or salty foods
- Nausea, urge to vomit
- Stomach cramps and diarrhea
- Pale face, washed-out look
- Head pain after physical exertion, typical of “exercise headache”
- Migraine aura, or ocular migraine, including flashing, colored lights, often in zigzagged patterns, bright crescent shapes, or “fireflies” (Free Digital Photos)
- Blind spot- dark “hole” in your field of vision, temporary partial blindness
- Double vision, blurry eyesight
- Hypersensitivity to bright lights, photophobia
- Low tolerance to noise
- Hallucinatory scents
- Partial paralysis, stroke-like symptoms
- Tingling, or pins-and-needles sensations in one arm, or around the mouth and nose on one side of the face
- Cold hands and feet
- Distorted speech, temporarily and suddenly, also similar to stroke symptoms
- Upper torso weakness on one side
- Afterwards, a hangover, and the need to recuperate for hours
Read this:
Migraine Aura Video Simulations: You Tube’s Top 10
Perfumes and Migraines: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Stinky
Is it a Cluster Headache or a Migraine?
18 Signs You’re Having a Migraine – migrainesheadaches –
Migraine Symptoms, Causes, Treatment – What are the symptoms of migraine headaches on MedicineNet