The 4 Best Vitamins to Help Headaches

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There’s a growing interest in using supplemental vitamins to help headaches among migraine sufferers, and for good reason. Over the years, scientists have found convincing proof that supplementing with vitamin B2, magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, and butterbur yields substantially high results in migraine efficacy, while also sustaining optimum neurological and vascular health. Listed are the four best vitamins to help headaches.

The 4 Best Vitamins to Help Headaches

Nearly 15% of all people suffer the effects of migraine disorder. Disproportionately, most migraine sufferers are females. Symptoms of migraine attacks range from excruciating headaches (throbbing, piercing) and nausea to debilitating fatigue and visual disorders (aura, flashes of light, loss of peripheral vision). A migraine attack can last for hours or days, and often require a day’s recovery.

Vitamins to help headaches

While migraine abortive medicines and painkillers provide relief and maintenance, they can have harmful side effects that worsen with time.  That’s why headache specialists recommend incorporating a healthy blend of specific vitamins that help headaches into your migraine management plan.

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The most commonly recommended vitamins and other natural ingredients for migraines are listed below:

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Scientists have noted riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency as a possible trigger of migraine headaches in certain patients. Therefore, riboflavin is seen as one of the best vitamins to help headaches related to migraine. In studies published by the journal Headache, chronic migraine and tension headache sufferers who started using 25 mg doses of riboflavin daily noticed better results almost immediately.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 400 mg per day of riboflavin is significantly beneficial and completely safe for people suffering from migraine headache attacks.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in Natural Migraine Ingredients


For people suffering from migraines resulting from high blood pressure, magnesium can be exceedingly helpful. Magnesium relaxes the walls of your arteries, improving the flow of blood and oxygen in the veins near your head. Doctors recommend about 400 mg of magnesium taken one to two times daily.

Magnesium- Still Magnificent for Migraines

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an often overlooked nutrient that has been proven to help headaches for people who suffer chronic migraines, often yielding a 50% success rate. Taken daily, 300 mg of CoQ10 helps to boost energy in the chromosomes, providing balance in many biochemical functions of the brain.

Coenzyme Q10 Benefits and Dosage Information

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)

It’s not a vitamin, but butterbur is also recommended by many migraine specialists for its ability to drastically help headaches. Butterbur is a European shrubbery that has been used for centuries for its beneficial properties in helping sufferers of headache, chronic pain, fever, and muscle spasms.

Some butterbur treatments may contain toxic elements, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are normally removed by special processing. When choosing butterbur supplements to help migraine headaches, make sure they are PA-free.

Butterbur Supplements for Migraines- Are they Safe?

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Image courtesy of m_bartosch/freedigitalphotos