If you suffer from sinus infection symptoms (migraine-like sinus headache, sore throat, fever), then you’ll appreciate these natural ingredients for sore throat and migraines that you can find in your kitchen. It’s easy!
Tis the season for sinus infections
As if migraine headaches weren’t bad enough, prepare yourself for sinus infection season, complete with nagging symptoms like head congestion, ear infection, runny nose, constant cough, and yes- sinus headaches. Sinus headache symptoms include intense pressure and pain behind your cheekbones, nose, and forehead, in addition to the usual sinus infection symptoms, like runny nose, facial swelling, and ear infection.
Migraine or Sinus Headache? Make Sure your Headache Doctor Knows the Difference
Natural ingredients for headaches
Over-the-counter (OTC) decongestants may relieve sinus headache temporarily, but they can also be habit-forming, in addition to causing dizziness. As for taking antibiotics, only your doctor can recommend the proper course of action, although research suggests that frequent antibiotic usage can be harmful to your health.
Your best bet for whole-body pain management is using natural nutrients for sinus infections, such as the ones suggested by naturopathy experts:
Chili pepper therapy
Spicy chili peppers benefits respiratory functioning, according to research led by the University of Cincinnati. In the study, a nasal spray derived from hot chili peppers, Capsicum annum, was beneficial for symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis, including stuffy head, sinus headaches, and runny nose. You don’t have to use a pepper spray, though. Just indulge in spicy foods that don’t cause migraine headaches, such as mango salsa, grilled peppers, or spicy burritos (sans the migraine-triggering cheese). Alternatively, horseradish would also be effective.
Chicken soup for your headache
It’s important to stay hydrated when you have a sinus infection, and nothing is better for clearing up stuffed nasal cavities than a hot bowl of steamy chicken broth. It’s not just because of the rising steam, which also helps- scientists believe that chicken soup contains unique ingredients that make it the best for soothing minor throat pain.
Take a tea break
In addition to chicken soup, drink plenty of liquids, such as herbal teas. Some of the best teas for respiratory health and managing migraines are ginger tea, chamomile tea, and peppermint tea. Add soothing honey for taste, and lemon juice for extra vitamin C. Also, increase your consumption of water and fruit juices.
Don’t eat this!
Health experts believe that certain foods may worsen sinus infection symptoms, including sinus headaches. Some foods should be avoided because they might be allergens. They are:
- Fried foods
- White sugar
- White flour
- Caffeinated beverages
- Artificial sweeteners
- Dairy products
- Chocolate
Also read this:
How to make your own Emergency Migraine Attack Survival Pack
Plan a Headache-Free Summer Vacation: Five Travel Tips
Heat in chili peppers can ease sinus problems, research shows
Sinusitis – Treatment for Acute Sinusitis
What Foods To Avoid Eating For Sinus Headaches- LIVESTRONG.COM
Sinus Headaches: Symptoms and Treatment
Image Credits:
Free Digital Photos: Sinus Pain, Woman with allergy, Red chili, Chicken , Girl keeping warm