Category Archives: Blog

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Managing Chronic Fatigue and Migraines at Work- Really?

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    With chronic fatigue together with migraines, it can be incredibly difficult to stay focused at work and get the job done. Most days you wake up feeling tired and headachy, and you just want to quit! But don’t- here are some helpful pointers to help you turn things around at the workplace and […]

Coenzyme Q10 Benefits with Migraines

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one of the most essential nutrients for your wellbeing, touted for its usefulness in sustaining neurological health in people with migraines, as well as boosting longevity, increasing energy, and supporting cardiovascular functioning. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like substance that your body produces for energy and cellular metabolism, and […]

10 Ridiculously Healthy Vitamins for Women Migraine Patients

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    To prevent migraines, you need to keep your body healthy, and that means getting all your basic vitamins and minerals, including nutrients that specifically benefit the female anatomy. Listed below are 10 essential vitamins and other supplements that benefit women with migraines. Most migraine patients are women, three to one. It’s unknown exactly […]

Cluster Headaches, or Migraines?

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    They’re not migraines; yet, cluster headaches cause excruciating head pain that can last from 15 minutes to three hours, debilitating to the point of earning the nickname “suicide headaches.” What are cluster headaches? There are several types of chronic headache disorders, and cluster headaches are in a league of their own, inflicting intense […]

Coming Soon: Turn Off Headaches with a Remote!

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    You’ve been looking for that “off” switch for your migraine headaches practically since the day you were born; now, a new remote-controlled device may give you the relief from migraine or cluster headaches that you’ve been dreaming about. Technically, it’s pain relief There’s no cure for migraines, and prescription drug treatments are often […]

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Migraine

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    It’s not your imagination, and you’re not hallucinating. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, a neurological condition associated with migraines with aura, is a well-documented phenomenon that causes some pretty eerie symptoms such as distorted body image, loss of time perception, and disorientation. Named after the famed author and migraine sufferer, Lewis Carroll, Alice in […]

Don’t Lose Sleep over Migraines: 6 Helpful Tips

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    Migraines can make it difficult to get a full night’s sleep, but by practicing migraineur sleep hygiene, you can get to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, without having your rest interrupted by migraine headaches. Practice migraine sleep hygiene What is sleep hygiene? It’s not wearing clean pajamas or washing your face before […]

Top 10 Worst Migraine Advice Ever!

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    There’s no end to the amount of bad advice we get once people know we suffer from migraines, all of it well-meaning, but very often born from migraine myths and misinformation. If you can count the days on your hand that you haven’t had a migraine attack this month, then you’re one of […]

Not all Migraine Triggers Cause Headaches- New Research

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    Does light sensitivity trigger migraine attacks, or is it the other way around? Here’s the scoop on the latest research on migraine attacks, with and without aura. According to a new study on migraine triggers, scientists have found that not all triggers are as powerful as we think; warning migraine patients not to […]

Struck by Lightning…and Migraines?

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    By now, you’ve probably already noticed that changes in the weather mean that a migraine attack is imminent; now, scientists believe that the occurrence of lightning may be added to the list weather-related migraine triggers. Migraines and lightning The study, which was published by Cephalalgia is the first of its kind to link […]