Category Archives: Blog

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5 Effective Natural Supplements for Depression

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    Natural supplements that benefit people suffering from depression are not meant to replace physician-prescribed antidepressants. Still, for many people complementary vitamins, minerals, and herbs help to make life more manageable, with or without the added stress that migraines can contribute to depression. Please note that you should always consult your doctor before beginning […]

Beat Menstrual Migraines, Naturally!

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    Almost half of women who suffer from migraines get headaches during their period. But not all menstrual migraines are alike- here are some tips for recognizing hormone-triggered migraine attacks, and natural ways to treat them. What defines a menstrual migraine? According to the International Headache Society, there are two types of menstrual migraines, […]

OTC Painkillers- How do they Work, What are the Risks?

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    Is it still a migraine if OTC painkillers help? Some, not all, migraine headaches can be relieved with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as Advil and Tylenol. Still, despite assurances of safety by the FDA, even the most trusted of all mass-manufactured migraine relievers- pills like Excedrin Migraine and aspirin- can come with […]

Paging Doctor Migraine, Where are you?

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    In learning how to manage migraines and prevent headaches, it’s important to find a migraine doctor who is resourceful, knowledgeable, and most of all, understanding. Good luck with your search, because a true migraine doctor is like the proverbial needle in a haystack of would-be headache specialists. (Please speak to a migraine doctor, […]

Migraines and Epilepsy: 4 Commonly Asked Questions

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    What is epilepsy, and how are they linked with migraines? Science suggests that certain migraine patients may be genetically predisposed to chronic headaches and epileptic seizures, but a cure for either condition is still out of reach. Here are some FAQ that many patients have about migraine headaches and epilepsy. What is epilepsy? […]

Are Migraines Always Hereditary?

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    If your mother suffers from migraines, does that mean that your headaches are also hereditary? Probably, but migraines not only hereditary; in addition to genetics, other factors that contribute to migraine disorder may include triggers in food, weather, and stress levels. What is a migraine? Medically speaking, migraines are a neurological disorder that […]

What are Brain Zaps, and why do they happen with Migraine?

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    Brain zaps feel like an electrical buzzing sensation in your head. If you often feel a jolt of electricity in your brain, then it could be a symptom of migraine medication withdrawal. You’re not going crazy! Patients describe them as weird buzzing sounds that come when they’re trying to sleep, or sudden jolts […]

Migraine and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

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    Migraine patients suffer many headache triggers, including extreme allergic-like reactions to fragrances and pollutants– Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MSC). Though controversial, awareness of the migraine-inducing effects of toxic chemical exposure is starting to gain publicity. What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity? Although it’s not classified as a real illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) causes debilitating […]

In Some Ways, Migraines are like Allergies

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    Here’s an observation- the more we learn about migraines, the more it seems that they behave a lot like allergies, only instead of the immune system being at fault, it’s the nervous system- a brain allergy? The following is an opinion piece, and is no way meant to substitute for medical advice. Accidentally […]

6 Migraine-Friendly Air Fresheners for the Home

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    Headaches, nausea, and burning eyes- if you suffer migraines, then these symptoms plague you every time you step into a room that’s been “freshened” with artificial scents. Air fresheners are not just migraine triggers, they are actually toxic! Air fresheners stink Why is it that a migraineur is usually the first person to […]