Category Archives: Blog

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Migraine Headaches Coupled with Muscle Pain: CRPS

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    Does it seem like migraines make your arms and legs hurt, in addition to causing excruciating headaches? It’s not your imagination- migraine sufferers are three times as likely to suffer from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), according to research studies on migraine headaches with chronic muscle pain in the arms, legs, hands or […]

Are Migraines Really Triggered by Stress?

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    According to a recent study, long-term stress triggers migraines and other debilitating ailments, especially if you fall into a certain age group… Here are some interesting results from the 45-year study on stress and chronic pain, and some tips to help you lower your risks for frequent migraine headaches. Women, stress, and headaches […]

3 Reasons to Get a Migraine Alert Dog

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    What can a migraine alert dog do for you? The real question is: Why didn’t we all think of this sooner? Out of all the effective natural therapies available for chronic migraines, alert dogs are possibly the most overlooked. Here are 3 ways your migraine alert dog can help. Migraines with aura alert […]

Ginger for Migraine Help: As Good as Imitrex?

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    There are many natural, alternative therapies that help migraine headaches dramatically- one underrated ingredient that has entered the spotlight recently is ginger root. In addition to supplementing with vitamin B2, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, and butterbur, health experts are also recommending this natural ingredient, proven to help people suffering from chronic migraines. Can ginger […]

Rebound Headaches and Migraines- FAQ

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    Rebound headaches, triggered by over-the-counter pain relievers, are often problematic with migraines. How do you know when you’ve taken enough Tylenol, Advil, or Excedrin for migraines…and what are you supposed to do about painful lingering headaches once you’ve reached your limit? Below are some frequently-asked questions people have about preventing rebound headaches and […]

Migraines and ADD/ADHD- Prepare for Sensory Overload!

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    You’re not imagining it- if you get frequent migraines, then ADD/ADHD (yes, adults can have it) may also account for your long list of ailments, like nausea, crushing headaches, brain fog, attention problems, and hypersensitivity to lights, sounds, touch, scents- everything! Here are some findings that scientists have linking chronic migraines and ADD/ADHD. […]

5 Foods that Help with Migraines

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    Knowing which foods to eat is an instrumental part of migraine prevention. While most people know which foods to avoid– wine, pizza, and sourdough bread, for example- many migraine patients don’t know which foods they should include in their diet, foods containing magnesium and riboflavin that help with migraines. Migraines are a chronic […]

Can Smoking Cigarettes Really Trigger Migraines?

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    There are hundreds of migraine triggers that lead to headaches, and smoking tobacco may be one of them. Some researchers believe that smoking a certain amount of cigarettes each day makes you more prone to migraine headaches, while others disagree that tobacco may actually benefit patients of migraine disorder. So, who’s right? The […]

Are All Migraines a Genetic Mutation?

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    Finally, scientific proof that migraines exist- Migraines are a hereditary, neurological disorder that has been baffling scientists for decades. Now, researchers found a genetic mutation that may explain why certain people suffer from one of the most common types of migraine headaches. The study on familial migraines provides an important clue to understanding […]

6 Essential Vitamins for Migraines in Food

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    To stay healthy when suffering from migraines, it’s important to supply your body with plenty of essential nutrients that support neurological functioning, kill free radicals, and nurture the cardiovascular system. Many vitamins that aid migraine patients are found in healthy foods, such as meat, seafood, and vegetables. While you should take vitamins and […]