Category Archives: Blog

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Can you read your Migraine Prescriptions? 30 Medical Abbreviations

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    If you take prescription medication for migraines, then it’s important to understand your doctor’s instructions clearly, without any doubt. Knowing how to read “doctor-ese” can sometimes help! Listed are some common abbreviations that physicians use when writing out prescriptions. What did he say? If it seems like your doctor’s orders are in a […]

Jordin Sparks Sparkles without Migraines

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    American Idol Jordin Sparks joined the ranks of celebrity migraine patients like Desperate Housewives’ Marcia Cross in her recent campaign to raise migraine awareness. Partnered with Excedrin for Migraines, Jordin speaks candidly about her experience with migraine headaches and My Migraine Triggers, the new migraine diary app for migraine sufferers. Jordin on Migraines […]

Sleep Paralysis, Hallucinations, and Migraines

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    It’s an eerie sensation- you’re half-asleep, lying on your back, and suddenly you realize that you can’t move your body or utter a peep. Sleep paralysis may be comorbid with migraines, although the link is not exactly clear-cut. About 30-40% of people will experience isolated sleep paralysis at least once in their lives, […]

Hug a Migraine Sufferer Today: 10 Ways You can help

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    People who suffer from chronic migraines often get asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?” by close thoughtful friends, relatives, and colleagues. Next time, hand them a list! An excellent column pointed out 36 things people can do to help out the chronically ill, many of which are particularly helpful for […]

Migraine Neuro-Stim Procedure: What to Expect

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    Are considering getting occipital nerve stimulation for migraines, also known as a neuro-stim procedure? If so, it’s important to know who qualifies for the surgery, and what your odds are of finding ultimate relief from migraine headaches. Neuro-stim procedure basics If you get chronic headaches, including migraine, then you may be a candidate […]

3 Undeniable Truths about Chronic Pain

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    If chronic pain is triggered by emotions, then does that mean that migraines are a mental illness? Do people who suffer from fibromyalgia just need to de-stress? People have many misconceptions about chronic pain, half-truths that stem from the brain-pain connection. Chronic pain is widespread. Migraines inflict millions of people with frequent, debilitating […]

Dealing with Nausea and Vomiting with Migraines

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    Contrary to popular belief, some of the most debilitating symptoms of migraines occur in the stomach. Nausea, sharp stomach pain, dizziness, and vomiting can be just as excruciating as the severe throbbing headaches that migraine patients have to endure. Nausea with migraine statistics For many migraine patients, nausea interferes with migraine treatment and […]

Best for Migraines: Advil or Tylenol?

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    Which headache medicine works best for relieving migraines- Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen)? Here are some pros and cons to taking OTC pain relievers for migraines, such as Advil, Tylenol, and Excedrin. Deciding which kind of medicine to take for chronic pain depends on many different factors, such as where the pain is […]

Migraine Triggers in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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    Millions of women suffer from migraines, and an overwhelming number of them have also experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), either from living in an abusive home or witnessing mental illness in a loved one. Listed below are some clues that help us understand the link between severe psychological trauma and migraine attacks. Migraines […]

Secondary Headache or Migraine- What’s the Difference?

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    In understanding why migraine headaches occur, it’s important to know the difference between a primary headache and a secondary headache. Where do migraine headaches fit into the equation? Secondary headaches Secondary headaches occur as a result of an underlying condition or injury. If you suffer a concussion, have severe allergies, or experience anxiety […]