
Noninvasive Neuro Surgery- Will it Work for Migraines?

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The ExAblate® Neuro is a groundbreaking device that combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with focused ultrasound technology in treating people with brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and neuropathic pain. Given that migraine is also a neurological disorder, how long will it be before migraineurs can start reaping the rewards of this innovative new device that is making waves in operating rooms all over the world?

Noninvasive Neuro Surgery- Will it Work for Migraines? Migravent

Neuro surgery, without the pain

Developed by Israel’s InSightec, the ExAblate system uses high-intensity ultrasound and MRI for treating brain tumors, uterine cysts, and pain from bone cancer, without the need for sharp knives, harmful radiation, or excessive recuperation.

Recently, the ExAblate Neuro has also been approved to treat patients of Parkinson’s by using deep-brain ultrasound pulses to target specific areas of the brain in relieving tremors and eliminating nerve pain.

Like many other neurological treatments aimed at eliminating migraines, such as the migraine neuro-stim procedure, the ExAblate Neuro pinpoints specific areas of the thalamus, a part of the brain linked with migraines, in addition to stroke and epilepsy.

In a recent clinical trial, more than 50% of test subjects who received the neuro surgery for essential tremor reported “very significant relief.”

How does it work?

The patient slides onto an MRI table set up a “helmet” which contains thousands of ultrasound elements. The physician then uses medical imaging in conjunction with focused ultrasound energy to carefully administer precise treatment while monitoring the patient’s progress in real time, without the need for anesthesia or long-term hospitalization.

Because the treatment uses ultrasound energy in place of sharp scalpels, patients who undergo the procedure are able to recover quickly without experiencing any harsh side effects or complications.

What about migraines?

While doctors currently use the ExAblate Neuro for patients of Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders, scientists have not suggested using it for migraine therapy.

Still, given the generous feedback InSightec has received- the ExAblate system is used in thousands of operating rooms around the world, and has received several prestigious awards- and considering its revolutionary impact on cancer and neuro surgeries, it’s conceivable that the new ultrasound technology will soon find its way to migraine prevention.

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Coming Soon: Turn Off Headaches with a Remote!

Twenty Minutes to Prevent a Migraine- Think Fast!


30 Patients With Chronic Neurological Disorders Treated With ExAblate® Neuro

Exablate Neuro MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound: Cleared in EU for Neurological Disorders

Image courtesy of Muffet/flickr

Keeping the Faith with Migraines: 3 Tips for Coping

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Chronic migraines can make us feel very isolated and helpless, especially if we experience back-to-back migraine headaches, nausea, and fatigue that last for days, weeks, or months. When we feel despair, it’s important to see the bigger picture, and find peace in knowing that us are one of millions of migraine patients all striving for a common goal- freedom from pain. Here are some tips that may help.

Keeping the Faith with Migraines: 3 Tips for Coping- Migravent


Asking for help is therapeutic. When we pray, we acknowledge that we’re human, that we don’t know everything, and that we’re not in complete control of our fate. This can be comforting, as it relieves us of the pressure and anxieties that perfectionism demands. So, you aren’t 100% certain if you’re doing everything you can to prevent migraines, and you’re having difficulty avoiding foods that you know trigger headaches.

By asking for help, by formulating the words we need to express our innermost desires, and throwing it out there, even to an unseen deity, we open ourselves up to the possibility that anything can happen.

Find a quiet spot

This is one of the most essential tools in managing migraines in a way that promotes peace and relaxation. When you’re at home and feel a migraine approaching, stop what you’re doing immediately, and find a nice quiet place to lie down, even if it means posting a “Do not disturb” notice on your door. Allow yourself at least thirty minutes to wind down, breathe deeply, and send yourself reassuring thoughts. At work, find out if us can take your lunch break a bit earlier than usual, and walk to a nearby park, if one is available, or locate a vacant office.

These precious moments will give you the boost you need to manage migraines and handle the rest of your day more effectively.

Meditate to music

Music speaks to our soul in a way that no other medium can achieve. It can make us feel happy, relaxed, or energized. Most importantly, it can help minimize migraine pain by shifting the focus off bodily aches and diverting our attention to the soul. Choose any kind of music you love, instrumental, rock, reggae, or alternative, and let it carry you to your comfort zone.

Music infuses joy into your life, and with happiness comes true pain relief.

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Like this? Read more:

10 Surprising Facts about Migraines you probably didn’t know

Hug a Migraine Sufferer Today: 10 Ways You can help

5 Simple Ways to Spread Migraine Awareness
Image(s) courtesy of imagerymajestic/

Migraines and Gluten- What’s the Link?

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Increasingly, migraine patients are finding relief by avoiding foods containing gluten, leading researchers to wonder if celiac disease may be comorbid with migraine disorder, or if gluten, found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, is simply one of hundreds of migraine headache triggers in food, along with chocolate, wine, and dried meats. Here are some facts about gluten and its impact on migraine attacks.

Migraines and Gluten- What’s the Link? Migravent

Migraines and the stomach

Migraine symptoms include more than incredibly strong headaches- any migraine sufferer can attest to the fact that when a migraine attack strikes, she’s in for many hours of nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, and overbearing fatigue, in addition to other debilitating symptoms.

For years, migraineurs in-the-know have learned how to reduce attacks by following a migraine-friendly diet, including avoidance of gluten, which although lacking evidence, seems to exacerbate headaches and increase your likeliness for having a migraine attack.

Now, the evidence is in- recently, US researchers have found a definitive link between chronic headaches and stomach disorders such as celiac disease, adding credibility to the claim that gluten-free dieting may substantially improve the lives of people suffering from chronic, daily migraine headaches.

New Research Links Migraines with Celiac Disease

After reviewing health records of 502 test subjects, researchers found a high incidence of chronic headaches- 30%- among patients with celiac disease, 56% in sufferers of gluten sensitivity, and 23% of all people who had IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).

Scientists speculate that the increased risk for migraines in people with celiac and IBD indicate proof of a neurological aspect of a disease thought to be primarily gastrointestinal-based.

“Our findings suggest that migraine is a common neurologic manifestation in celiac disease, GS (gluten sensitivity) and IBD,” said Dr. Alexandra Dimitrova, co-author of the study on migraines in patients of celiac and gluten sensitivity.

Celiac disease or gluten intolerance?

In choosing a proper tactic for migraine-friendly dieting, people often get confused between celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and wheat allergies. Here are the fundamental differences:

•Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, and the only viable treatment is avoidance of all foods containing gluten, including products that have byproducts of wheat, rye, or barley, or have come into contact with gluten. To prevent migraines caused by gluten, check package labels carefully.

•Wheat allergy is an immune system overreaction to all foods containing wheat, regardless of gluten. All other grains are safe, including barley and rye. If you suspect your headaches are influenced by wheat, then try substituting potato starch, rice flour, or oats in your cooking.

•Gluten sensitivity involves debilitating symptoms that occur as a reaction to gluten food products where celiac disease is not diagnosed; migraine headaches, stomachache, diarrhea, and nausea are common symptoms of gluten sensitivity.

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Like this? Read more:

Is Gluten Sensitivity Giving You a Headache?

Treat Migraine Headaches caused by Food Allergies- without Drugs


Increased Prevalence of Migraine in Patients with Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Compared to Controls: A Multicenter Prospective

Migraines More Likely for People With Celiac Disease, Study Says

Image(s) courtesy of Sura Nualpradid/Free Digital Photos

Vitamin B2- Why Riboflavin Rules for Migraines

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According to the leading experts in natural migraine management, riboflavin, otherwise known as vitamin B2, tops the list as one of the most beneficial nutrients for chronic sufferers of migraine headaches. If you experience constant headaches, neck pain, or nausea as a result of migraine disorder, then you should add extra riboflavin to your daily vitamin regimen.

Vitamin B2- Why Riboflavin Rules for Migraines- Migravent

Please note- this does not constitute medical advice. Never start any new migraine treatment, including natural supplements, without first confiding in your doctor.

Riboflavin sustains allover health

Riboflavin, vitamin B2, is a vital nutrient for neurological health, red blood cell production, and for converting carbohydrates into energy.  Low levels of riboflavin are a possible cause of fatigue and headaches, and may worsen symptoms of migraines.

10 Ridiculously Healthy Vitamins for Women Migraine Patients

If you’re not getting enough riboflavin in your diet, then you may experience symptoms like:

  • Itchy, burning eyes
  • Hypersensitivity to bright lights
  • Sore tongue
  • Mouth sores
  • Chapped lips
  • Skin rash

Riboflavin is endorsed by migraine doctors

Many studies on migraine prophylaxis have been conducted which confirm the beneficial properties of riboflavin supplementation for migraines.

Scientists found that migraine patients who took regimented doses of riboflavin found significant results over a 3-month period, without side effects.

It’s uncertain exactly what causes migraines, but some experts believe that riboflavin deficiency may be an underlying influence of migraine frequency.

How do I get enough riboflavin?

To manage migraines naturally, doctors recommend experimenting with 400mg of riboflavin each day. As there is no upper limit established with vitamin B2, there is no risk of accidentally overdosing.

In addition to taking vitamin B2 supplements, you can increase dietary sources of riboflavin by including plenty of B2-rich foods such as dairy products, enriched cereals, seafood, meat, and green leafy veggies.

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Like this? Read more:

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in Natural Migraine Ingredients

Getting Enough Magnesium…Are you?


Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Medline Plus

Top 5 Signs of Vitamin B2 Deficiency

Image(s) courtesy of ambro/

10 Surprising Facts about Migraines you probably didn’t know

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There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding migraines…”Migraines are a mental illness,” or “Migraines are just really strong headaches.” Below are some very revealing, interesting facts about migraines that may help you understand better what causes migraine attacks, and how to effectively reduce migraine triggers.

10 Surprising Facts about Migraines you probably didn’t know- Migravent

  1. Migraines are a neurological disorder. Contrary to myths that surround migraines, they are not caused by mental illness, nor constricted blood vessels, and have nothing in common withchronic headaches caused by stress or sinus problems. Migraine attacks occur as a result of a genetic nervous system disorder that is inherited by one or both parents.
  2. Stress is not a migraine trigger. Scientists recognize virtually hundreds of things that increase your risk for migraine attacks. Migraine triggers may include certain foods, weather patterns, hormonal fluctuations, irregular sleep schedules, and exposure to bright lights and loud noises.  Stress indirectly impacts migraine headaches by making various migraine triggers more difficult to tolerate, increasing your sensitivity to things like flashing lights, strong scents, and humid weather.
  3. Women are most likely to suffer from migraines, and so are war veterans. Women are three times more likely than men to experience lifelong migraine attacks. Surprisingly, another large segment of migraine patients includes soldiers who fought in Iraq, many of which experienced combat-related traumatic brain (CTBI) injury and concussion on the battlefield.
  4. Migraines increase your risk for suicide. Statistics show that chronic migraine patients are three times more likely to commit suicide than people who don’t get chronic headaches. This may be due to the fact that depression is a comorbid condition of migraines, in addition to bipolar disorder and anxiety.
  5. Chronic migraines strike millions.  Roughly 4 percent of Americans  experience chronic migraines that last for at least four hours, and reoccur more than 15 times each month.
  6. Even children suffer from migraines. Although children usually manifest symptoms of migraine as stomach cramps, there are many scientific reports finding that even grade school-aged children experience pediatric migraine attacks, which may evolve into standard migraine headaches by their early teens.
  7. Not all migraine attacks result in headache. Silent migraines may include all the standard phases of a migraine attack, minus the headache. Migraines with aura that occur without a headache nevertheless create debilitating symptoms of nausea, visual distortions, vertigo, amnesia, and partial paralysis.
  8. Not all neurologists are migraine doctors…and not all migraine headache specialists are neurologists, either. To find a good migraine doctor, it’s important to seek somebody who restricts his practice to the treatment of migraines, and keeps up with the most recent breakthroughs in natural and prescription migraine treatments.
  9. Migraines can be life-threatening. In numerous scientific studies, doctors have noticed a strong correlation between migraines and potentially fatal conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and coma.
  10. We don’t know what causes migraines. Despite the identification of hundreds of migraine triggers in food, environment, and biochemical reactions, scientists are yet unable to positively confirm the exact cause for migraine attacks.

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Like this? Read more:

Top 10 Worst Migraine Advice Ever!

5 Migraine Misconceptions you shouldn’t believe

35 Things you should never tell a Chronic Migraine Sufferer


Migraines: Myth Vs. Reality

Stats and Facts for Commenting to FDA About Migraine

10 Things I Want to Share About Migraines
Image(s) courtesy of digitalart/

Now Hear This- Migraines Increase Risk for Hearing Loss

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If you suffer from migraines, then your chances of experiencing sudden hearing loss are double when compared to non-headache sufferers. Find out which groups of migraine patients are most likely to experience Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL), according to this latest study.

Now Hear This- Migraines Increase Risk for Hearing Loss- Migravent

Migraine headaches are a neurological disorder that affects millions of people of all ages, and has been linked closely with other illnesses, including epilepsy, stroke, and heart disease.

So it should come as no surprise that scientists have recently found a strong correlation between migraines and another neurologically-based condition, a rare form of deafness.

Study links migraines and deafness

According to a Taiwanese study focusing on hearing loss and migraines, people who get chronic migraine headaches are twice as likely to develop sudden deafness, which can occur without warning over the course of a few days.

The study, which included 10,280 migraine patients and compared them with over 40,000 healthy individuals over the course of ten years, was just published by Cephalalgia.

Scientists suspect that hypertension, a comorbid condition of migraines, may damage limit blood flow to the inner ear, causing nerve cell damage that increases your chances for hearing loss.

Many other studies have also been conducted linking migraines with sudden deafness, such as one which focused on inner ear pressure in migraine patients.

Who’s at risk?

If you suffer from hypertension and migraines, then your chances of developing sudden rare hearing loss are greater those of migraine patients who don’t have high blood pressure.

Although vascular problems are more common in patients of migraines with aura, the study found no difference in relation to your risk for hearing loss- headache sufferers who experience migraines with aura are just as likely to experience SSNHL as patients who don’t go through the aura phase of a migraine attack.

What is SSNHL?

SSNHL causes rapid deafness in one or both ears, and may occur all at once or over the course of three days.

SSNHL requires immediate medical attention, and may necessitate an MRI brain scan.  Only a doctor can confirm if you have this rare condition.

Besides migraines, other causes may include ear infections, head injury, and nerve damage caused by multiple sclerosis.

Steroids are the most common prescribed treatment for SSNHL.

Additionally, alternative treatments that benefit migraine sufferers with hypertension by improving circulation may also help, such as acupuncture, yoga,  and natural supplements.

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Migraine is a risk factor for sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a nationwide population-based study.

Sudden Deafness- National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

Can Migraine Damage the Inner Ear?

Image(s) courtesy of marin/

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon

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If you suffer from chronic migraines, then it’s important to be prepared- a migraine attack can creep up on you when you least expect it, and you only have a few minutes to nip it in the bud. For optimum migraine prevention, make sure you keep an emergency migraine kit in your car, at work, or any of your other homes-away-from-home.

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon

Mueller Ice Bag

What is this? Sometimes, great things come in small packages. This is no simple ice bag for headaches- what makes this product exceptional is that it won’t leak water all over your head, it doesn’t perspire, and the mouth is big enough to accommodate for large ice cubes!

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon- Migravent

Use it for: Relieving migraine headaches on-the-spot, plus alleviating aches and pains caused by fibromyalgia, arthritis, muscle fatigue, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Order it here!

10 Ridiculously Healthy Vitamins for Women Migraine Patients

The Original Backnobber II, the Pressure Positive Company

What is this? This is a hard plastic massage tool with a knob on each end that is excellent for soothing neck aches and stiff shoulders. The S-shape makes it easy to rub out those hard-to-reach knots in your upper shoulder and lower back muscles.  It dismantles easily, so you can take this on the road.

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon- Migravent

Use it for: Improving circulation, rubbing out pain points on your head, alleviating muscle fatigue, and giving yourself a migraine-friendly massage. Order it here!

Herbal Concepts Comfort Neck and Shoulder Wrap

What is it? This is a soothing wrap that you can warm up in the microwave and toss over your shoulders. Feel the warmth radiate from your upper back, along your neck, and all the way up to the base of your skull. This would be useful to have in your migraine kit, and the herbs emit a pleasing minty-floral scent that calms the nerves.

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon- Migravent

Use it for: Quick headache relief, back pain, shoulder stiffness, and stress reduction. Order it here!

Spoonk Mat, as endorsed by Dr. Oz and Oprah!

What is this? Similar to a bed of nails, this acupressure massage pad is great for migraine patients experiencing chronic headaches, back pain, poor circulation, and joint stiffness.  According to the manufacture, the Spoonk mat has 6200 stimulation points, excellent for relieving those sensitive “hot spots” in people suffering from migraine, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or other forms of chronic pain.

Emergency Migraine Kit Essentials- Order them on Amazon- Migravent

Use it for: Relaxation, increased energy, migraine pain management, improved sleep, and good circulation. Order it here!

Looking for more great items to add to your migraine kit? Read this:

How to make your own Emergency Migraine Attack Survival Pack

15 Tricks for Staying Hydrated and Avoiding Migraines

Your turn!

What essential items do you keep in your emergency migraine survival kit?

Do you have any questions or suggestions?  Please leave your comments below.

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The Earliest Symptoms of Migraine are not Headaches

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Headaches may be the most prevalent, destructive aspect of a migraine attack, but they don’t always come without warning. Some of the earliest symptoms of an approaching migraine may take you by surprise.

The Earliest Symptoms of Migraine are not Headaches- Migravent

Migraines are a neurological condition which causes people to experience frequent migraine attacks.

A “migraine attack” actually refers to a variety of symptoms which occur in phases, over the course of several days.

The earliest symptoms of a migraine attack may begin the day before you experience headache, and end several days later.

Twenty Minutes to Prevent a Migraine- Think Fast!

To learn how to manage your migraines, it pays to become familiar with these basic signals early on, in order to give yourself ample time to stop whatever you’re doing, take migraine headache medication, and plan an emergency exit.

Migraine: the earliest symptoms

The prodrome stage of a migraine attack may occur hours or days before you experience the first signs of headache. Some of the symptoms are so subtle that you may not even realize that you’re experiencing a migraine, not until it’s almost too late to treat it.

With practice, you may learn to recognize the initial symptoms of the prodrome phase of a migraine, so that you can be on the alert, take any supplements or medications that help to reduce migraine severity, and also try to avoid migraine triggers that can exacerbate symptoms of migraine.

Symptoms of a migraine prodromal phase may include:

  • Irritability
  • Food cravings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings- depression, giddiness
  • Hallucinatory scents
  • Frequent yawning
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog, difficulty concentrating
  • Increased urination
  • Neck stiffness

Migraine aura

What’s that weird scent? It smells like somebody burnt a bag of microwave popcorn, or spilled a bottle of nail polish…

Believe it or not, you may be experiencing the beginnings of a migraine aura, otherwise referred to as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Hallucinatory scents are just one of many unusual experiences some people can have during the early aura stage of a migraine attack, usually minutes before the headache strikes.

Not all people get the migraine aura phase- roughly a quarter of all migraine patients experience a stroke-like phenomenon during the earliest minutes of a migraine.

Aura symptoms may include:

  • Vertigo
  • Fatigue
  • Disorientation
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinatory scents, including chemical, smoky, or noxious fumes
  • Visual disturbances, such as flickering lights, bright oscillating shapes, voids, loss of peripheral vision, and other vision problems
  • Sudden speech slurring, inability to communicate
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Partial paralysis

Other phases of migraine attacks include the headache stage, and the recuperation phase- postdrome.

Read more about The Four Phases of Migraine Headache Attacks

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Like this? Read more:

When Migraine Aura with Aphasia leaves you Lost for Words

Top 10 Headache Symptoms that Point to Migraines


Migraine Phases: Prodromal, Aura, Attack, Postdromal

Image(s) courtesy of stockimages/

Twenty Minutes to Prevent a Migraine- Think Fast!

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“Warning: This head will self-destruct in 20 minutes, and counting…” Does that sum up the typical migraine attack for you?  To prevent a migraine, it’s important to be able to recognize the earliest symptoms, so you can nip it in the bud, because your first twenty minutes are your most crucial in migraine prevention.

 Twenty Minutes to Prevent a Migraine- Think Fast! Migravent

Migraine is a neurological disorder that occurs when your nerve cells are “triggered” into producing symptoms of immense headaches, intense nausea, and dizzying vertigo.

From the moment your nerve cells swing into action, you have about twenty minutes to prevent them from spreading throughout your entire nervous system and initiating a full-fledged migraine attack.

Those first few minutes are your most critical; your only window of opportunity to effectively reduce the severity and duration of a migraine attack is when you first notice the warning symptoms- fatigue, headache, wooziness, queasiness, or brain fog.

That is why some of the most successful migraine treatments are abortive medications that you use during those first few key minutes of a migraine attack.

Which meds should I take?

Prescription migraine medications vary according to their specific action.

In the first twenty minutes: At the very onset of a migraine attack, you have the option of using abortive migraine medications, such as triptans, which are commonly prescribed to people suffering from chronic migraines. These can be helpful for killing a migraine headache immediately…but only if you act fast, during the first twenty minutes or so. Long-term side effects may include brain fog, dizziness, memory loss, and fatigue.

Before the migraine: There are many types of prescription migraine prophylaxis (preventive) medications available on the market which, taken daily, may work to prevent migraines. These may include antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and calcium channel blockers.

As with abortive medications, preventative drugs may also cause harmful side effects which you should discuss with your doctor.

Preventing Migraines with Beta Blockers, Part 2: Warnings and Tips

What else can I do for prevention?

Natural preventive tactics may be just as effective for reducing the number of migraines you get in a month, while also enabling you to take fewer prescription medications.

Natural supplements that affect migraines by promoting neurological health include vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B12, and folate.

Also, nutrients such as magnesium, CoQ10, and iron help to sustain chromosomal integrity.

Other helpful natural ingredients include butterbur, turmeric, and vitamin C for proper response to inflammation.

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Like this? Read more:

Coming Soon: Turn Off Headaches with a Remote!

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Helps Migraines

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Chronic Pain


Act fast at first sign of a migraine
Image(s) courtesy of Danilin/

Overcome Depression with Migraine- 4 Lifestyle Habits that Help

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Depression is often a comorbid condition of migraine disorder, as continuous crushing headaches, nausea, and fatigue feed into feelings of helplessness and despair. While antidepressants help to reduce migraines and depression at the same time, many natural alternative treatments are also beneficial for keeping symptoms at bay.

Overcome Depression with Migraine- 4 Lifestyle Habits that Help- Migravent

Please note that you should never discontinue use of antidepressants for migraines or depression without consulting in your doctor. None of these suggestions are meant to take place of prescription migraine treatments or medications for depression, and do not constitute medical advice.

Still, the following natural strategies have been proven to help significantly, and are recommended by physicians as part of a multi-pronged approach to combatting depression that occurs with chronic migraines.

#1 Choose an exercise that feels good

Countless medical studies confirm that regular physical activity has the power to curb mood disorders, enhance neurological health, and impart an overall sense of wellbeing.

Daily exercise reduces stress, boosts pain-killing endorphins, and regulates healthy serotonin and dopamine levels for improved relaxation response and more restful sleep.

Additionally, exercise is also recommended as a natural way to reduce migraine attacks, as stress is one of the most vicious trigger of migraines.

To benefit from exercise as a means of fighting depression, start small- try walking for twenty minutes each day, and work your way up to longer sessions.

#2 Sleep, but not too much

Getting enough restful sleep at night is instrumental for fighting migraines, as well as depression. Good sleep habits include going to sleep at a reasonable hour each night, avoiding electrical gadgets several hours before bedtime, and keeping it consistent.

Too much sleep can backfire, though, as migraine headaches and depression are often made worse by irregular sleep schedules, such as napping in the afternoon or hitting the snooze button on weekends.

#3 Think positive thoughts

Keeping your chin up and hoping for the best isn’t just great advice for conquering depression; it also helps with migraines. In studies that focused on patients who suffered from chronic pain, scientists noted that participants who kept a positive attitude and refrained from dwelling on their pain symptoms were most likely to achieve better results in pain management.

#4 Stick to routines

When chaos reigns, depression and anxiety are not far behind. While reckless abandonment of your daily routine may appeal to your spontaneous side, resist the temptation to drop your most basic healthy lifestyle habits. Following a regular routine adds an element of structure to your life that soothes the nerves and fends off feelings of melancholy and despair.

Some good routines that help with depression and migraines may include:

  • Getting fully dressed each morning before you leave your bedroom, including shoes
  • Sticking to daily hygiene, including showering, tooth-brushing, and hair-combing
  • Fixing your bed every morning
  • Check your calendar
  • Keep dirty dishes at bay
  • Do one load of laundry each day
  • Taking your vitamins and minerals
  • Exercising
  • Allowing time to fix a healthy, nutritious meal
  • Devoting some time to personal reflection, relaxation, or positive affirmations

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5 Effective Natural Supplements for Depression

Migraines, Women, and Depression: 9 Myths and Truths

Can Anxiety Attacks cause Migraines?

Suicide Rate in Migraine Patients- Some Surprising Statistics


Fighting Depression with Natural Remedies

10 Natural Depression Treatments

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