Coming soon to a pharmacy near you- migraine medications that can be purchased without a prescription. Over-the-counter (OTC) migraine drugs are on a list of other prescription medications included in the FDA’s newest proposal regarding nonprescription drugs.
Over-the-Counter Migraine Drugs? Better be nice to your Pharmacist
What are the benefits and risks?
The benefits of making more drugs like migraine treatments available without prescription are obvious- it’s more convenient, easier, and possibly quicker to pop into your local drugstore and pick up a bottle of migraine drugs. Will it be cheaper? It’s too soon to say.
But the risks seem to outweigh any possible benefits-
- Whose job will it be to ensure that patients understand the drug manufacturer’s guidelines?
- Will pharmacies be held responsible if a migraine headache sufferer overdoses on painkillers due to lack of instruction?
- Will some sort of insurance be required on behalf of the pharmacist to ensure that such mistakes aren’t made?
- Where do health insurance companies fit into this equation?
- With the extent of responsibilities that pharmacists currently have, can they afford to take on the role of drug prescriber, as well?
Are Doctors Overprescribing Painkillers for Migraines? Fox News Report
Prevention first, prescriptions later
Whether these new migraine medication changes take place or not, it’s important to do what you can to reduce migraine triggers from the get-go, so that you won’t be overly dependent on prescription drugs.
Here are some tips for dealing with migraine attacks without drugs:
- Do you log into a migraine diary?
- Do you recognize all your potential migraine triggers, like food, scents, lights, and weather changes?
- Do you take daily vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10 for neurological health?
- Do you incorporate relaxation techniques and low-impact exercise into your daily regimen?
- Do you participate in a migraine patient forum or support group?
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Read more about migraine management
Rude Headaches, Ruder Pharmacists- 6 Ways to Avoid Conflict
FDA Considers Expanding Definition of Nonprescription Drugs
Images: Ephemeral Scraps