Eating to Relieve Stress? Actually, it’s OK. Give in to your body’s food cravings! Eating healthy vitamin-packed foods lowers stress levels, reduces migraines, and puts you in a better mood.
Binge on this, instead
Emotional eating has taken a bad rap. The fact is, your mood affects your eating habits, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Feeling tired, fatigued? Your body needs energy, the kind you get from healthy carbohydrates, such as fruits and whole grains.
When stress levels hit the ceiling, your body needs to build up its defenses and keep blood pressure down; enhance your immune system response and balance already healthy blood pressure by eating foods that contain vitamin C and vitamin E. Feeling depressed? Eating healthy carbs that monitor cortisol and serotonin levels is an effective way to achieve relaxation.
It’s okay to be a little nutty
Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts in town; they’re loaded with vitamin E, essential for providing antioxidant protection and maintaining healthy immune system functioning. Include a small handful of raw almonds with your breakfast, lunch, or just as a snack.
Alternatively, studies confirm that crunching on pistachios and walnuts soothes stress by promoting already healthy blood pressure levels, so get cracking!
C if for calm
Vitamin C is not just for maintaining a healthy immune system; researchers link vitamin C supplementation with enhanced feelings of emotional well-being, preservation of already healthy blood pressure, and beneficial interactions with the stress hormone, cortisol. Oranges and papayas are powerhouses of vitamin C, in addition to pineapple and blueberries.
If you can’t get them fresh, buy frozen. Fruits from the frozen aisles are cheaper than imported goods and have the same nutritious health benefits.
Green is great
Rich, creamy avocado nature’s butter; avocado is high in monounsaturated fats and potassium, which are excellent at maintaining a healthy heart and soothing nervous tension. Additionally, avocados benefit cognitive health by interacting with serotonin, a hormone that relieves stress, promotes a sense of calm, and relieves occasional sleeplessness. Another great green for alleviating everyday stress is spinach, which is rich in magnesium.
In addition to promoting relaxation, magnesium is also a beneficial nutrient for migraine sufferers, according to studies on magnesium deficiency.
Go whole the way
Craving carbs is a natural side effect of stress. Your body needs carbohydrates to produce serotonin, a hormone that your brain needs more than ever when your nerves are on red alert.
Instead of indulging in unhealthy refined sugary foods, treat your body to the ultimate comfort food- a steaming mug of creamy oats, topped with a dash of cinnamon and a few spoons of cold milk.
Because whole grains take longer for your body to digest, you won’t get that sugar rush that comes with eating junk breakfast cereals.
For lunch or dinner, swap your starchy white rice stand-by for nutritious brown basmati rice. You’ll love the nutty flavor and chewy texture.
Whole-wheat pastas have also come a long way since the early days- today’s healthy pastas come in a variety of whole grains, such as corn, wheat, and barley, and have a lighter, milder texture that will hold up well in your favorite lasagna, spaghetti, or ravioli recipes.
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