To stay healthy when suffering from migraines, it’s important to supply your body with plenty of essential nutrients that support neurological functioning, kill free radicals, and nurture the cardiovascular system. Many vitamins that aid migraine patients are found in healthy foods, such as meat, seafood, and vegetables.
While you should take vitamins and minerals that aid migraineurs, you can further the effects of healthy supplementation by including many of these essential nutrients in your daily diet.
Listed below are vitamins that most benefit migraine patients, and their food sources.
Your body needs healthy stores of magnesium for over 300 vital biochemical reactions, including muscle strength, nervous system integrity, strong bones, and good circulation.
Magnesium deficiency is often comorbid with migraines, resulting in symptoms such as strong headaches, fatigue, hypertension, and muscle pain.
To get the most magnesium in your diet, try to include plenty of whole grains, particularly wheat bran and wheat germ, which are among the richest sources of magnesium.
Other excellent food sources of magnesium are nuts, such as almonds and cashews, and leafy green vegetables, such as kale and spinach.
Getting Enough Magnesium…Are you?
Your body needs plenty of calcium, a mineral used to sustain strong teeth and bones, but is also crucial for regulating your blood vessels, muscles, intercellular communication, and hormone levels.
A significant number of migraine patients are at risk for osteoporosis, as females experiencing menopause see a reduction in their rate of calcium absorption.
Sometimes, symptom such as headaches, neck stiffness, fatigue, and disorientation that occur with migraines may signify a need for more calcium fortification.
The richest source of calcium is plain low-fat yogurt, but other good sources include dark green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, and many fruit juices.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Riboflavin is an essential B vitamin that is helpful for boosting energy, supporting red blood cell production, and providing antioxidants that sustain the immune system.
Migraine patients experiencing brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, and poor concentration benefit greatly from riboflavin supplementation, in addition to inclusion of vitamin B2-rich foods in their diet.
You can get the most riboflavin from animal-based foods such as beef liver and chicken, but you can also find it in fortified cereals.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in Natural Migraine Ingredients
Iron is the key nutrient in hemoglobin, a substance in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your brain and other parts of your body.
Iron anemia causes symptoms that mimic those of migraine disorder, such as extreme fatigue, vertigo, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss.
To make sure you’re getting enough iron in your diet, eat plenty of red meats, seafood, and legumes.
Lycopene has strong antioxidant properties that benefit migraine patients by enhancing cardiovascular functioning and cellular integrity.
Unfortunately, the richest source of lycopene is often a migraine trigger. Tomato sauces and tomato-based condiments contain the highest levels of lycopene, and are a red-light food in migraine prevention.
So, if tomatoes increase your chances of having a migraine attack, then opt for watermelon, which is also a good source.
Potassium is important for migraine management, as it helps to prevent dehydration, a common trigger of headaches. The potassium electrolyte also regulates normal cardiovascular health, supports strong muscles, and boosts stamina by converting carbohydrates from the foods you eat into energy.
You can get the most potassium from sweet potatoes, tomato products, beets, and a variety of meat, fish, and poultry.
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Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos/David Castillo Dominici