Tag Archives: Migraine Headache Symptoms

Brain Drain from Migraines…What’s Causing it?

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    Brain drain– it’s a symptom of migraines that you could do without.  Difficulty concentrating, feeling as if your brain is lost in a fog, (hence the other popular term “brain fog”), always feeling tired, and constantly forgetting where you left your keys…fatigue symptoms like brain drain could be caused by migraine headaches, or […]

Migraine Symptoms throughout the Ages- Not a Whole Lot has changed

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    If you’ve ever fantasized about drilling a hole in your head to get rid of migraine symptoms, know that you are not alone, and that you are not the first.  Since prehistoric times, migraine attacks have caused immense agony, driving sufferers to try shocking, and often dangerous, experiments to end the constant nausea, […]

Killer Migraines Might be Fatal after All- Mortality Rates among Migraine Sufferers

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    “I feel a killer of a migraine coming up,” you say offhandedly, but consistent research suggests that if you get frequent migraines with aura, your mortality rate might be higher than non-migraineurs.  Find out why migraine headache sufferers are more likely to suffer from stroke or heart attack, and what you can do […]

Migraines AND Weight Gain- Why Me?

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    Does weight gain exacerbate migraines, or is it possible that migraine headache symptoms like depression cause so many migraine sufferers to pack on the extra pounds? You be the judge… Scientists find correlation between migraines and weight gain It’s confirmed- Current scientific research proves that migraine sufferers who are also obese experience more […]

Migraine Headaches and Dizziness- Stop the Ride, I want to get off!

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    As if migraine headaches weren’t bad enough…here come headaches and dizziness to spoil your day!  Migraine vertigo can be part of your migraine symptoms, or it can signify a comorbid vestibular disorder. What is Migraine associated vertigo (MAV)? Migraine attacks include a wide range of symptoms, including extreme dizziness.  A significant percentage of […]

Migraine Aura and Hot Flashes- Treat that Hot Head ASAP

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  Migraine aura can cause strange migraine headache symptoms like visual distortions, speech slurring, nausea…and hot flashes. With or without throbbing headaches, migraine with aura can be disconcerting.  Learn about what causes migraines with aura, and how you can find headache relief. Migraine headache symptoms Migraine headaches strike millions of Americans, but overwhelming majorities of […]