5 Foods that Help with Migraines

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Knowing which foods to eat is an instrumental part of migraine prevention. While most people know which foods to avoid– wine, pizza, and sourdough bread, for example- many migraine patients don’t know which foods they should include in their diet, foods containing magnesium and riboflavin that help with migraines.

5 Foods that Help with Migraines

Migraines are a chronic neurological condition that causes excruciating headaches, stomach-wrenching nausea, incessant fatigue, and hypersensitivity to stimuli in lights, sounds, scents, and touch.

While scientists have not yet developed a cure for migraines, or even a medication formulated specifically for the migraine patient, there are many helpful natural treatments that can help, including following a migraine-friendly diet.

Many healthy foods that help with migraines contain nutrients that target specific biological processes that occur during a migraine attack, including the aura phase, intense headaches and nausea, and fatigue that occurs during recuperation.

As with any other migraine treatment, consult your headache specialist before switching to a new diet, and keep a migraine diary to help you learn which foods to avoid.

The following foods, assuming they are on your “green light” list, may help with migraines.


Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach provide magnesium, a nutrient that is instrumental in hundreds of important biochemical reactions throughout your body.

Magnesium promotes healthy nerves and muscles, supports the cardiovascular system, regulates blood sugar levels, and helps to convert food into energy.

Foods containing magnesium are especially beneficial for women that suffer from menstrual migraines. In many studies on migraines, scientists have noted high correlations between migraine frequency and magnesium deficiency.

In addition to spinach, other good sources of magnesium include yams, cantaloupe, walnuts, and whole grains.

Getting Enough Magnesium…Are you?

To boost magnesium intake, consider taking natural magnesium supplements that are gentle on the stomach.


Seafood is high in two essential nutrients that help migraines; omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins, such as vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Omega-3’s have anti-inflammatory properties that help migraineurs, while B12 vitamins protect the nervous system, boost energy, and sustain production of red blood cells needed for oxygen.

Vitamin B12 and omega-3 oils occur naturally in sardines, salmon, tuna, herring, halibut, and crab meat.

Low Fat Dairy Products

If dairy foods don’t trigger migraines, then you should try to include them in your diet; they may actually help a great deal. Low-fat yogurt, cheeses, and milk are rich sources of riboflavin, another B vitamin that helps people who suffer migraines by boosting cellular energy.

Several scientific studies focusing on migraine frequency have confirmed the benefits of taking extra doses of riboflavin supplements.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in Natural Migraine Ingredients

Nondairy food sources of riboflavin include meat, eggs, and nuts.


Dehydration is a common trigger of migraine headaches. During the summer time, snack on thick wedges of watermelon, which contain natural electrolytes to keep you hydrated and avoid headaches.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help with migraine headaches. Plus, foods containing ginger may help to stave off nausea and stomach pain that occur during a migraine with aura.

Add fresh ginger juice to carrot salad, or squeeze a few drops into a cup of tea for a tummy-soothing brew.

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